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Restore Start Menu Reviver 2 to default settings

Want to bring Start Menu Reviver back to it’s default settings and tile layout? Here is how to do it.

Video Transcript:

Hi guys Mark here from ReviverSoft. Today I’m going to teach you how to restore to default settings in Start Menu Reviver 2. Now sometimes you have configured the start menu kind of the way you want it but you’d like to just start fresh. We provide a really easy way to do this. So here’s a start menu that I’ve kind of configured for myself with access to Facebook and G-Mail and iTunes and a number of different applications. I’ve also changed the default color so you can see I’m using a nice kind of pinkish red color here.

Now if I wish to just restore everything back to the way Start menu was when I first installed it, all I need to do is go to settings, start menu settings and then click on this link here. It says, “Reset all tiles and settings.” So I click that and then confirm that I wish to do that. You’ll see the next time I open Start Menu Reviver, it’s restored back to the way it was when I first installed it.

If you have any questions, please leave them in the comment section below and I hope to see you in a future video.

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