By Davide De Vellis |
PC Reviver has been created with ease of use in mind, and so it is very easy to download and install.
All you need to do is go to the PC Reviver Product Page and click on the ‘Download’ button. This will usually bring up a prompt from your browser asking you if you would like to download this file. Confirm that you would like to continue and then once the download is complete open the file that is downloaded (PCReviverSetup.exe). You should then receive a Windows message asking you if you would like to open this file, accept that message.
Now you are in the PC Reviver installer. Follow the prompts for the installer to select the location of where you want to install it and read and agree to the EULA.
After going through this process PC Reviver will successfully be installed on your computer. Now you can use PC Reviver!
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