
In this interactive video, learn how to remove unneeded add-ons from all the popular web browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Internet Explorer.

Often, an operating system will become corrupted, slow or unstable over time.

Software Review HQ has reviewed Driver Reviver, and this blog says that Driver Reviver provides an “easy fix” for driver-related issues. Check out the review.

UNEXPECTED_KERNEL_MODE_TRAP is a Blue Screen of Death error resulting from a hardware failure or conflict. Here’s how to fix it.

All You Need to Know about IPv6

It’s important to understand what IPv6 is and how it affects your PC and its Internet connection.

The Windows 8 Release Preview is Out!

The Windows 8 Release Preview is the last consumer-oriented preview of Windows before the October 2012 release. Here’s how to install it.

Defragmenting your hard drive, also known as defragging, helps it run faster by moving files closer together on the drive. It’s an important maintenance step, so learn how to do it in this interactive video.

We’d like to tell you about two important announcements regarding our battery life management application, Battery Optimizer.

Do you need a touchscreen PC, especially with the advent of Windows 8? We run down the pluses and minuses of owning one.

So you’d like to go the Solid State Drive (SSD) route. Maybe you’ve heard that these types of drives are much faster than hard drives and are ideal for Windows and applications, while hard drives are good for movies and other large files.

So you’re running out of storage space.

Everyone’s PC locks up sometime. Doesn’t matter if you’re using Windows XP, Windows Vista or Windows 7 — freezes happen.

Just like Captain America, you too can upgrade to a stronger, faster and better form: Windows XP to Windows 7.

Essential Tips for Windows XP Users

As you may recall, we ran an article recently about why we think you should stop using Windows XP and upgrade to Windows 7. Well, here’s the flipside of that argument.

Disk Cleanup is a utility included with Windows that removes temporary and other unnecessary files. Learn how to use it in this interactive video.

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