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App thinks my account has expired

Asked by
M Williams
2016/04/24 19:20
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Ref number 89715720. Renewed my subscription on 04/01/16. When I input the key, it says my account has expired. I've sent two requests with no responses. How much longer must I wait before this problem is fixed?
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Answered by
Lokesh Yadav
2018/10/21 18:00
Hi Williams,

If the license key provided to you is not working, then you can double check if you are using the correct license key or not and there are a couple of ways to check your license key:

1. You can retrieve it using the Lost Code tool, by having the license details sent to the email address used for the purchase.

2. View all your licenses by visiting the ReviverSoft account section.

If the license key still doesn't work, please ensure that the below points are not causing any problem in PC Reviver's activation process.
  1. If you copy a space at the start or end of the license code, it will cause the license code not to work.
  2. If you are using the license details from a different product, you will be unable to complete the activation. All ReviverSoft products are different and require separate purchases and licenses. You need a license code for your purchased product only.
  3. If you have typed in the license code incorrectly, it will not work. In order to avoid this, you should copy the complete license code from your purchase confirmation email and then paste it directly into the activation window.
  4. Do ensure that your internet connection is working correctly and that you have checked your firewall settings. You can either temporarily disable your firewall or add an exception for the Reviversoft product.
  5. Do a check of your computer’s date and time. An incorrect date might cause the Reviversoft server system to think that your license code has already expired.
Also, note that the license code is associated with the computer’s hardware and system configuration when you activate it.
The license status may get affected when you make changes to your computer's hardware and Operating System, or when you replace it with a new computer.

So the license key you have bought will not work on any other PC except the one on which it has been installed.

If it still doesn't work, then you can contact the support team using the link given below:



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