2 answers
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1 answer
Just a standard ACER Aspire 3970 Intel i5. Had win 7 originally then upgraded to Windows 10
1 answer
This problem started when I had the free upgrade to windows 8!
The factory windows is Windows 7. Now ever since the update it cannot boot to the login. I can get into the BIOS & configurations on start-up & if I try ... automatic repair, by pressing Shift+F8 on start-up it does not seem to progress as the HDD displays an Unmountable disc volume error!
I am looking to completely factory reset/restore but I do not have any recovery discs!
I do have an usb to ide adaptor & spare HDD drives to create a brand new drive but I cannot find a source to download such recovery or formatting media for my Lenovo Z570 IdeaPad.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
2 answers
Hello, trying to turn on my PC (Cooler Master) message appears on a black screen: reboot and select the appropriate boot device or insert the bootable media into the boot device selected and press the key.
I have not done an ... l with my computer the day before I put them correctly. I really need help I am not at all bo'ne computer and I have much to give important on my computer (restore it is not an option).
thank you for helping me
3 answers
When I booted my laptop for the first time I got an error stating the setup was bad and restarted while going into setup. I have not had this problem again, but I have had several other error codes. MUST_SUCCEED_POOL_EMPTY wa ...
error which happened a couple hours later just out of the blue. My computer crashed again a couple hours later but I forgot to write error code down.
The next day laptop worked fine for several hours until I got another error message (I forgot what it was and I threw away what I wrote it on like a dummy but I can find out when tech support opens again). I called the company I got the laptop from and they said it sounded like a bad hard drive. I was going to replace hard drive anyway so I declined service.
Today I got another error message and laptop restarted before I could write the code down and immediately crashed again while signing into windows giving me error code Bad Memory something. Again it happened so quick I could not write it down.
All the crashes happen at random times. They don't seem to have anything in common and it never happens while doing same thing, for instance downloading something or booting up something. I ran a health report and the only problem was storage was almost full so I got rid of my onedrive files on laptop since it was taking up over 90% of my hard drive. I did this after third error code. My laptop is a Dell LatitudeD630.
2 answers
Kjøpte for en stund siden PC-Reviwer i den tro, som dere påstod i reklamen, at dette var det eneste vedlikeholdsprogrammet jeg trengte. Har hatt problem med å laste ned elementer fra Windows Update i det siste. Får feilko ...
Hvordan kan det ha seg at PC-Reviver, som jeg har aktiv lisens for, rapporterer kun et fåtall problemer, mens Registry Reviver finner over 2000 feil/problemer. Virker ikke helt troverdig....
Er det i så tilfelle mulig å få byttet lisensen fra PC-Reviver til Registry Reviver?
Virker bortkastet å betale for PC-Reviver, når den ikke lever opp til reklamen....
Her er oppdateringen jeg har problem med:
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 for Windows 7 og Windows Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB4033342)
Installasjonsdato: 12.02.2018 19:13
Installasjonsstatus: Mislykket
Feildetaljer: Kode 13EC
Oppdateringstype: Anbefales
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.1 er en svært kompatibel, direkteoppdatering for alle tidligere versjoner av .NET Framework 4.X. Når du har installert denne oppdateringen, kan det hende at du må starte datamaskinen på nytt.
Mer informasjon:
Hjelp og støtte:
2 answers
I have a phone lg f60, the day before yesterday after resetting the settings, the message "the interface has stopped", I tried resetting the reset, resetting the phone, hard reset, changing the theme and nothing, can it be fi ...
I did not upload the software itself or what, because I can not and I do not want to spoil it more
1 answer
It works in Microsoft Word or excel properly. But when copying a file from a drive to desktop it doesn't work. I have restarted my computer as suggested by my IT friend but nothing helps. Can you help me out with this problem
2 answers
This is a frustrating situation for me. Can't go beyond that error messages.