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Are you using Windows 10,8,7 and you find yourself facing the error “Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart/shutdown”. This is more than likely it was caused due to hardware issues, driver issues, corrupted system files, registry file loss, overheating, virus attack, or forceful shutdown. The probability that you encounter the blue screen telling you that Your PC ran into a problem is due to the above issues is extremely high. So, we’ll focus on how best to solve the problem.
All of the below solutions work regardless if you choose windows 10, 8, or 7. The first thing to look for is to see whether or not you can boot your computer in safe mode.
If it’s possible to boot your PC in safe mode after your PC ran into a problem, you can have plenty of ways to deal with it. Depending on what you feel the issue to be, try doing each of the below ones after the other.
If you have faulty drivers, it can cause “Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart” issue. Simply updating them can be a great help and solve the issue. However, to do it in safe mode, you’ll need to install professional software. Most of the time you can get free software for this. So it shouldn’t be an issue unless you don’t have another PC to download it and install it onto your faulty PC.
Recently installed applications can take up too much space of your RAM causing the “Your PC ran into a problem and needs to restart” error. Uninstalling some of the recently installed applications can give your RAM space to breathe and no longer cause the issue. The method of uninstalling applications can become a little bit complicated in safe mode and is also slightly different between Windows 7, 8, and 10, but should be similar in everything except the UI.
Type REG ADD “HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot\Minimal\MSIServer” /VE /T REG_SZ /F /D “Service” and press Enter.
Type: net start msiserver.
If nothing works, try to uninstall the program again
Modifying the memory dump settings can help ease your system’s workload and thus clear out the issue. To solve the “your PC ran into a problem and restart” issue, you will have to do the following:
This will solve the memory dump issues.
Running the file checker can show you what exactly the problem is and help you remove the bad sectors. This will resolve the error Your PC into a problem in a few minutes.
This will automatically any issues found in your PC.
Sometimes it’s simply because your PC couldn’t install the latest update completely and is running on incomplete code. Simply go to settings and go to the update section and click on the update icon. Once the update is done, restart it and your PC ran into a problem won’t show up anymore.
It usually means that your PC simply cannot start. This happens when your PC ran into a problem that is slightly more concerning than before. If safe mode cannot be activated, you are likely to lose some important data. But the PC itself can be saved. Just like before, the method is suitable for windows 7,8, and 10 with differences in only the UI design.
Run System Repair
This needs to be the absolute last step for your PC has run into a problem error. This is because reinstalling windows can wipe everything clean from your PC.
Simply connect a bootable media, (a Pendrive or CD that has windows installed on it) and boot your PC as usual. The system will automatically scan and ask you if you wish to install windows on your PC. Click yes and go ahead. Once the file is installed, you will no longer have the “you PC has run into a problem” issue and will function fine.
This kind of problem mostly occurs due to bad sectors in your hardware. It may also occur if you have unnecessary files installed or when your PC is not up to date. Install PC Reviver today to always keep your PC up to date and avoid these problems altogether and run your PC as smoothly as possible. PC Reviver helps you diagnose the PC issues and repair them safely.
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