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How do i get a netgear expander in a connected network does not accept the security key

Asked by
Keijo Ahola
2017/09/14 07:05
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Windows 8.1
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Answered by
Christian Velasco
2017/09/14 09:59
Moikka Keijo,

Thank you for posting my concerns here.

I'm sorry about the problem you are experiencing.

Could you share additional information about the problem, including the product name?

Screenshots be helpful as well.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

With respect,


Commented by Keijo Ahola
2017/09/14 10:46
Yes I put the name of the product in the past it was the NETGEAR WiFi Range Extender 300Mbps Expander question was how do I get it measures the combined network and when does it concern the supplied security key 4GN26C5A00284 this I have tried many times.

Answered by
Lokesh Yadav
2017/11/05 13:00

0 votes

Hi Keijo,

Please use the below steps to resolve the issue. If you have a NETGEAR WiFi Extender with an Ethernet port (EX6100, for example):
  1. Use a computer to connect to NETGEAR WiFi Extender via Ethernet cable.
  2. Login to the web user interface of your NETGEAR WiFi Extender using
    You will be prompted to enter a username and password.
    Default login credentials are:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: password
      Note: Username and password are case sensitive.
  3. Once you have successfully logged in, go to Setup > Wireless Settings.
  4. Check the value in the Password (Network Key) field under Security Options.
    If the password is not same as your Access Point (AP) password, change it so it matches your Access Point password.
  5. Click Apply. (Extender and AP password need to match)
  6. Reconnect your Wi-Fi devices to the NETGEAR WiFi Extender using either the WPS button or manual connection.

If you have a NETGEAR WiFi Extender without an Ethernet port (WN1000RP, for example):
  1. Reset your NETGEAR WiFi Extender back to factory default settings.
    To do this, press and hold the Factory Settings button on the side panel for 7 seconds.
  2. Connect via Wi-Fi to your NETGEAR WiFi extender
  3. Login to the web user interface of your NETGEAR WiFi Extender using
    You will be prompted to enter a username and password.
    Default login credentials are:
    • Username: admin
    • Password: password
    Note: Username and password are case sensitive.
  4. Walk through the setup wizard to setup your connection to your Access Point. (Do not use WPS when reconnecting to the Access Point)
  5. Reconnect your Wi-Fi devices to your NETGEAR WiFi Extender using either the WPS button or manual connection.

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