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.fasta 文件扩展名

开发商: N/A
文件类型: FASTA Sequence File
你在这里因为你有,有一个文件扩展名结尾的​​文件 .fasta. 文件与文件扩展名 .fasta 只能通过特定的应用程序推出。这有可能是 .fasta 文件是数据文件,而不是文件或媒体,这意味着他们并不是在所有观看。

什么是一 .fasta 文件?

.fasta文件扩展名是用于与生物文件。该.fasta文件扩展用于描述具有是与核酸,DNA和蛋白质序列文件。除了 ​​保存在这些基本信息.fasta格式,还含有含其它信息标题,如评论。所述.fasta格式通常写在包含该序列,符号和名称单行。此文件扩展主要用于通过文件,并使用FASTA程序,在记录有关DNA和其它信息的电子数据方面所使用的生物学家和生物化学应用程序创建的生物信息。该软件还用于对核苷酸和其它生物数据迅速比较,这只能是可能的,如果该文件是在.fasta格式。这些.fasta文件通常需要的软件,如FinchTV,以便打开。像CubicDesign脱氧核糖核酸卑劣其他DNA测序软件还使用.fasta文件扩展名。

如何打开 .fasta 文件?

推出 .fasta 文件,或者你的电脑上的任何其他文件,双击它。如果你的文件关联的设置是否正确,这意味着应用程序来打开你的 .fasta 文件将其打开。这是可能的,你可能需要下载或购买正确的应用程序。这也有可能是你有正确的应用程序在PC上,但 .fasta 文件还没有与它相关联。在这种情况下,当您尝试打开一个 .fasta 文件,你可以告诉Windows的应用程序是正确的该文件。从这时起,打开 .fasta 文件将打开正确的应用程序。 点击这里修复.fasta文件关联错误

打开一个应用程序 .fasta 文件



4Peaks is a DNA managing software enabling molecular biologists to view, edit and manipulate DNA sequence files. This program is only applicable to Mac computers, particularly OS X10.3 operating systems and higher versions. Plus, this software does not require conversion of file formats as it supports most of the standard DNA sequence files. With the integrated features, DNA sequence analyzing is a lot easier and effortless to conduct using 4Peaks. These include sharper traces, display of high quality DNA sequence data or crop low quality data in a single click, and editing tool for the reduction of missed or erroneous entry by simply double clicking the area. This program also translates sequences automatically with immediate checkup of the consequences of a single mutation, reads standard file formats of DNA sequences, and supports writing and reading of sequence files in various common formats. There are thousands of motifs to select from to create sequence, which make analyzing easier as you can use through color coding and built in plugins.
GeoSpiza FinchTV

GeoSpiza FinchTV

FinchTV is a DNA sequence trace viewer that runs on Windows, Mac, Solaris and Linux. It began as the only chromatogram viewer that can view an entire sequence in a scalable, multi-window view. It provides BLAST searching, views of raw data and the ability to reverse traces and complement sequences. The latest version is version 1.4. Among its added features is the printing option for custom scale settings. It also introduces an optional integration with Geospiza’s GeneSifter Lab Editon. You can keep track of adjustments at your base while working on your data sequencing, edit your trace files and save your data back to a supported relational database with complete history of revisions, share-ability and accessibility though the Web. Geospiza develops software to facilitate and improve genetic research. In data analysis, you will be able to visualize and dig into volumes of data through [NGS] Next Generation Sequencing technology. You save time and costs for data management and complex laboratory workflows. You accomplish your research from samples to results in 4 to 6 weeks. Data analysis, data storage and DNA sequencing are incorporated into a single complete unit.
CubicDesign DNA Baser

CubicDesign DNA Baser

CubicDesign DNA Baser is an application that deals specifically in the field of molecular biology. DNA sequence assembly, automatic sample processing, analysis of DNA sequence, mutation detection, format conversion and sample processing simulations are the CubicDesign DNA Baser’s capability. The user may customize the background, nucleotides and chromatograms. The software may suggest and correction in case of a vague base. And those unclear bases will be highlighted for proper notification. Assembly engine may also be personalized. DNA samples may be assembled and aligned to a referred sequence, import from ABI, SCF, SEQ, TXT, FASTA, GBK formats. Traces may be also viewed and edited, convert the output to Multi- FASTA and other mentioned formats. The metadata in the user's contigs may be integrated automatically, detect or remove the vectors. CubicDesign DNA Baser run in Windows and Mac specifically on this following hardware: 333MHz for the processor, 64 MB of RAM, 1024 x 768 screen resolution, 2 MB Hard Drive space.


要小心,不要重命名扩展 .fasta 文件,或任何其他文件。这不会更改文件类型。只有特殊的转换软件可以从一个文件类型更改一个文件到另一个。


文件扩展名是一组三个或四个字符在文件名的末尾,在这种情况下, .fasta. 文件扩展名告诉你它是什么类型的文件,并告诉Windows哪些程序可以打开它。窗户经常关联一个默认程序的每个文件的扩展名,这样,当你双击该文件,程序会自动启动。当该程序不再是您的PC上,有时可以得到一个错误,当您试图打开相关的文件。


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